Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Bunch of magazine potential photos.

In this post I will include images of my made up director that will be featuring heavily on my magazine front cover.

Medium Shot of Julian Faust my director of my film. I tried different shots to see which one I would prefer for my magazine front cover.

Medium Long Shot of Julian Faust - My Director for my independent magazine. Looking at a lot of magazine's mainstream and independent I found that it doesn't matter what they are shot in, it just depends on the layout you are going for. I decided to take many shots that were different so I had a variety to work with.

Medium Close Up. The Medium Close Up is the picture that I went for, I thought it worked best, I liked the outcome.

Medium Long shot.

Medium Shot of Julian shot in a slightly different angle, him looking quite relaxed, appropriate for the style I want to go for.

Medium Close up again. I really liked the Medium Close up images, it further positions the audience with the director, and the way he is dressed and his facial expresions further show how relaxed he is. I think the audience will relate well with a Medium close up image of my director.

Medium Long Shot.

Medium Long Shot.

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