Sunday, January 29, 2012

10 potential taglines for my film HOUSE II.

After looking at several taglines, I came up with a few for my film using the research I did on several taglines. Looking at the taglines helped me gain a better understanding of what to expect in taglines for certain genre's.
'What if your dream house turned into a nightmare’
2. ‘The perfect family. The Dream house. The ultimate nightmare.’
3. ‘You’re never alone, in your own home’
4. ‘What if you weren’t alone, and someone was always haunting you’
5. ‘They always come back and find you’
6. ‘They never moved out’
7. ‘Sooner or later they’ll come back to haunt you’
8. ‘New house. Fresh start. They’re coming back.’
9. ‘Fear is never far away.’
10. ‘They’re ready for round 2’

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