Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean 4 teaser trailer and trailer comparison

Teaser Trailer – Pirates of the Caribbean 4
Conventional Trailer – Pirates of the Caribbean 4
·         The teaser doesn’t give anything away; it just positions us with the character ‘Jack Sparrow’.
·         Music in the beginning of the teaser is different when Jack Sparrow is talking; it then changes when it gives us more information about the film.
·         Company’s name – Disney and reference to the source material the film is based on – Jerry Bruckheimer films.
·         Title of the film at the end.
·         Date it is coming out – May 20th 2011

·         The trailer gives more of a narrative than the teaser gives away, positions the audience with various different characters in the film
·         Transitions are made – quick fades, and flashes.
·         It begins with establishing where the action takes place.
·         Music to begin with is quite smooth until half way through the trailer the music changes to indicate the action that is going to be taking place and that things are going to be going wrong – more drama.
·         Company’s name, logo and picture is quite near the beginning of the trailer – DISNEY
·         Picture and name of the source material the film is based on – Jerry Bruckheimer films
·         Shows us the directors/stars name.
·         Release date – ‘This Summer’
·         Title of film at the end. “Coming soon” – Disney Digital 3D
·         Cast, crew and director credits at the end, with logos of the source material the film is based on, the company that produced the film and various other companies involved in the making of the film.
·         Website is included too.
·         www.disney.com/Pirates

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