Wednesday, November 2, 2011

List of Potential names for my film

In this post I have listed potential names for my film. My film belongs to the genre of psychological horror.These are all the different types of font's that I quite like and I haven't decided yet on which font I am going to use for my poster and teaser trailer.
In the Next blog I have chosen the name I am going to use, written in all the different types of font's that I'm interested in.
The haunting – Font Name: Blair caps.
Something’s there – Font Name: Unknown.
Theyre back – Font Name: The Sixth Sense.
Dream House - Font Name: Nervous
Perfect family – Font Name: LAUNDROMAT 1967
House the haunting – Font Name: Erthquake
New House – Font Name: Monomadness
Sweet Home II - Font Name: Kautiva caps.
Our New Home – Font Name: Insomnia
House II – Font Name: More than Human

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