Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Paranormal Activity 1.

In the next few posts I have looked at exisiting teaser trailers, and analysed them in terms of genre conventions, as I am doing horror I thought the following teaser trailers would help me gain a better understanding of what is found in specific teaser trailers in terms of genre.

Paranormal Activity 1

Costume – The couple are wearing normal clothes, but the fact that they are so normal indicates that something is going to happen, especially in this house.
Setting – Set in a house with a camcorder filming them creating the scare factor.  
Props – Camcorder, this indicates the horror genre, because it is something that is used quite often in horror movies because it creates a spooky atmosphere, creating mystery.
Lighting – The lighting throughout the trailer is on and off, at night the lights are off which makes it even scarier when something happens.
Figure behaviour –
The couple’s figure behaviour change when they realise something is there, things start to tense up and become a little bit scarier.
Music- Not much music, but when something creepy happens there is a huge impact sound


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