Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Spiderman 3 teaser trailer and trailer comparison

In the next few post, i am comparing the difference between theatrical and teaser trailers to gain a bettwer understanding of their conventions and layouts which I'll include in mine.
In this Post I looked at 'Spiderman 3' conventional teaser trailer and theatrical trailer and noted the differences found in both.

Teaser – Spiderman 3
Conventional Trailer – Spiderman 3
·         The teaser doesn’t give much away about what is going to happen in the film - Spiderman logo.
·         Taglines - to get the audience hooked.
·         Quick images from the film, not much on the storyline.
·         Transitions are made – this includes flashes and quick fades.
·         Release date ‘next summer’, this shows that the teaser has been created at least a year before the release of the film. This is shown near the beginning of the teaser.
·         Music is used to get the audience hooked and it indicates the genre of the film.
·         Production company logo is at the end of teaser – Columbia Pictures. It also says the genre it is at the end – MARVEL.
·         Website is at the end www.sony.com/Spider-Man
·         It has given a specific date at the end of when it is coming out – May 4th (not usually common in teaser trailers)

·     The conventional trailer gives the narrative away more than the teaser does; it starts off with an establishing shot which straight away positions the audience of where it is set.
·         Music is used as well to keep the audience hooked and it works well with the genre. It changes half way through the trailer because there is a change in narrative, indicating that something is going wrong etc:
·         Transitions are made as well – flashes, fades etc:
·         You see more characters in the film, people cheering etc: where the teaser only really shows the main characters, doesn’t position us with more.
·         Company picture and logo near the beginning of the film – Columbia Pictures
·         Taglines are used as well to keep audience hooked and to get a sense of narrative.
·         Name of the film is at the end rather than the beginning like it is in the teaser.
·         Tells us near the end film - coming out ‘THIS MAY’
·         Quick editing and transitions towards the end of the trailer.
·         Website and genre is at the end of trailer like the teaser. Plus the company logo it is produced by.

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